Pastor Eric Roberts

Teaching Pastor

After benefitting from the world famous Tom Long ministry as a teenager I came to Heritage in 2002 as a young adult. I knew about the ministry from going to High School with Brian and Tara Cochrane. I fell into an opportunity to teach Sunday School at Heritage for several years and then grew into teaching God's older "kids". The Holy Spirit has directed me to serve in this ministry-I'm woefully unqualified to lead it. I love learning about the depth and breadth of God's love expressed in Scripture. Each time I prepare a lesson I learn more than I teach. I love connecting with God's people on their journey, wherever they are on their journey of faith. I love the power of the Holy Scripture to renew minds, change lives, inspire, and transform. Some of my favorite things outside of church that I enjoy include my wife and three kids, friends, the outdoors, and especially the ocean. 

Pastor Eric Roberts
November 24, 2024

Christ Encounters: Seeking the Lost in the land of the Gadarenes

Generational sin and a normalization of deviance has had a predictable outcome in the land of the Gadarenes. A man is tormented, a people are compromised and the Lord is in pursuit of a one on one encounter with a demon possessed man. Sunday will explore the terrible wages of a life of sin and the transforming power of a life of faith.
Bible Passage:
October 27, 2024

The Letter to Laodicea

The Church of the Laodiceans is in big trouble from within. An overinflated view of themselves has disconnected them from the source of all that is good. The church of a lost letter finds itself lost from the sustaining word of God and in need of a heavenly wake up call. The final letter to the seven churches ends with a glorious promise worth hearing.
Bible Passage:
October 20, 2024

The Letter to Philadelphia

Jesus has words for the “city of brotherly love” that teach them the will of God, guide them through the trial of God, and promise the reward of God. Sunday will reveal an inspiring message about facing God’s challenges while knowing that God’s will is perfect, and His reward is worth the trial of a lifetime.
Bible Passage:
September 29, 2024

The Letter to Pergamum

Jesus has unflinching words for his enemies and empowers his followers to go on the offensive and conquer the enemies of the kingdom. Sunday’s teaching will reveal a hidden source of unfailing power and a new identity for all of God’s beloved children.
Bible Passage:
August 4, 2024

Three Prayers, One God

Mankind was born to walk his creator in the cool of the evening. We are born with an ache to communicate with the divine. This Sunday we will explore three prayers that model effective communication with our God.
Bible Passage:
No Series
June 30, 2024

Hearing the Lord's Voice

Saul is at a loss to make a decision and performs all the acts of Christian living with none of the true meaning of obedience. The prophet Samuel makes an otherworldly appearance and a witch is shocked to learn that her charade is over. Sunday will explore what it takes to hear the voice of the Lord in your life.
Bible Passage:
May 19, 2024

The Blessed Ones

Jesus once took his disciples up on a hillside to sit in the grass surrounded by oak trees in order to teach them the secret to unending happiness and fruitfulness in their lives. This Sunday we sit near a hillside, surrounded by oak trees to hear eight beatitudes that teach us how our attitude should be.
Bible Passage:
No Series
April 14, 2024

The Cave

In his moment of lowest grief David pens psalms of highest praise. Sunday will explore the grief of David, the rage of Saul, and the never failing goodness of a God who hears the cry of his beloved children. 
Bible Passage:
March 10, 2024

Five Smooth Stones

The timeless story of David, Goliath, and five smooth stones. An enduring story that has touched generations, a story of the patient purposeful refining power of a life of faith that equips the faithful to protect a flock, serve a nation, and slay a giant.
Bible Passage:
February 11, 2024

Foolish Pride

King Saul has swollen with a spirit of pride which causes him to make a disastrous decision. Pride filled decisions have and always will cause damage to those we love the most. This Sunday we learn some timeless lessons from Saul’s mistakes, Jonathan’s leadership, and the Israelites' grace.
Bible Passage:
January 7, 2024

Israel Renews the Kingdom

Israel faces an outside threat that causes them to unite behind Saul. God delivers a great victory, and Israel makes themselves a Kingdom. Sunday will explore a threat, a response, and a victory that is a model for Christian life today.
Bible Passage:
December 24, 2023

Jesus the Messiah

Sunday will focus on the well evidenced fact that Jesus Christ was who the old Testament said he would be, is who he said he was, and is everything you need him to be this Christmas. Let’s look at a sampling (there are hundreds) of the many prophecies about Jesus from the old testament, and get excited for the predictions made in the New Testament about who he can be in your life.
Bible Passage:
November 5, 2023

Thus Far the Lord Has Helped Us

The return of a symbol of God’s presence leads to a moment of clear choice, a thunderous victory, and a lifelong pattern of obedience. The choice is ours on Sunday to acknowledge that thus far God has helped us, and he is willing to help us forever.
Bible Passage:
October 15, 2023

An Empty Faith

A story of God’s divine patience highlights the need for a faith filled with meaning compared to a life of empty ritual.
Bible Passage:
August 6, 2023

The Love of God

Jesus displays his immense love for us in four distinct ways in the story of the resurrection of Lazarus. His affection for Mary, Martha, Lazarus, and his disciples are distinct and give compelling insight into the love of God.
Bible Passage:
May 21, 2023

Greetings and Benediction

Paul closes his opus by remembering many small acts of kindness from his friends. This focus on the actions of people serves as a fitting end to his book on theology. Hear the importance of people, unity, and the strength of Christ.
Bible Passage:
April 16, 2023

Owe Love, Walk Properly

Romans 13 began by giving us vertical advice and telling us how to live under the authority of God appointed leaders, and ends by giving us horizontal advice by telling us how to fulfill the law by loving one another, walking properly, and wearing the attributes of Jesus himself.
Bible Passage:
March 26, 2023

There is One Authority

A look at the authority of God reveals that God has, is, and always will be in perfect control of the affairs of his beloved children.Eric explores this idea throughout the old and new testaments, and conclude that God wants what is best for us after all.
Bible Passage:
February 26, 2023


Old branches find new roots as a remnant of the faithful are predetermined for salvation and sanctification. A throwback story of a hairy hero at his lowest moment, and the integration of the Gentile world into the faith of Christ.
Bible Passage:
January 15, 2023

Yesterday, Today & Forever

Perhaps the most hotly contested, apparently complicated topic in the Bible can actually be viewed as a simple choice. Romans 9 offers an earth shattering, simple question for Christians at any point in their faith. Come Sunday to hear that The Past is irrelevant, The present is important, and The future is determined.
Bible Passage:
November 20, 2022

The Creation Groans

Creation longs for what it once had, and will have in the future. A life in Christ is a life teeming with a realized hope. 
Bible Passage:
November 13, 2022

Sons and Heirs

A conditional offer exists for the sons of God to be adopted into a new life. We take a hero's journey through suffering into a life of inheritance. 
Bible Passage:
October 16, 2022

Who Will Deliver Me?

The law is explained as a tool to clarify right living, and a tool to define spiritual health. When the law exposes our sin Paul asks: Who can deliver me?, not What can deliver me.
Bible Passage:
September 25, 2022

In the Nick of Time

A beautiful argument unfolds that builds upon justification by grace through faith. The next level of growth goes through hardship into joy, from wrath into complete reconciliation.
Bible Passage:
August 7, 2022

Crafting A Future

A mountaintop experience for the ages. An aging father is tested with the ultimate show of faith. A loving God dreams of a future better than our best dreams.
Bible Passage:
July 10, 2022

Where Are Your Accusers?

A remarkable story that showcases the endless Grace of Christ, the foolishness of prideful religiosity, and the wisdom of a perfect Judge.
Bible Passage:
May 29, 2022

In Perfect Clarity

Paul walks the reader through the old testament, laying out a perfect case for the total depravity of man. Paul explains the power of the law to make clear the knowledge of sin.
Bible Passage:
May 22, 2022

May God Be True, and Every Person a Liar

Despite the complete unfaithfulness of mankind God’s faithfulness extends to all sinners.
Bible Passage:
April 3, 2022

The Invisible is Plainly Seen

A study on general and special revelation that leaves none with an excuse for ignoring the supremacy of their creator. The wrath of God is revealed. An exchange of glory for misery.
Bible Passage:
February 6, 2022

There is No Other Name

No other force in history can unify a disparate church like the supremely powerful Jesus Christ. Paul must lay a bedrock foundation In order for the rich theology to follow. He begins with the best point, the only point that truly matters, and opens his theological treatise with the idea that Jesus Christ is the only name, and that there is no other name under heaven by which mankind can be saved.
Bible Passage:
January 2, 2022

Where do we go from here?

The birth of Solomon was surrounded by a deep series of sins, but deeper repentance and forgiveness. God showcased his long-suffering and redeeming power in the story of David and Bathsheba. The death of a child and accompanying grief left the couple in a moment of crisis - where do they go from here? This message will highlight David’s complete repentance, God’s total forgiveness, and the roadmap to joyful living
Bible Passage:
No Series
December 19, 2021

Gifts fit for a Prophet, Priest and King

The birth of the Messiah triggered an international event. This message will dispel common myths about the “three” wise men and explain the purpose of the gifts given. Listeners will come away with an appreciation for the significance of the arrival of the messiah as a prophet, priest, and King.
Bible Passage:
October 3, 2021

Specks and Logs

Empty works, no matter how diligent, will not result in a thriving relationship with Jesus. A thriving relationship with Jesus is the result of the narrow way, and a focus on one’s own faults. The church is a collection of individual relationships with Jesus, joined together in unity.
Bible Passage:
July 11, 2021

Greater Things

Jesus, in his own words, provides the marching orders for the early church and equips them with the promise for the Holy Spirit to help them accomplish greater things.
Bible Passage:
July 4, 2021

I Am the Way

Jesus, in his own words lays out the way to have an untroubled heart in a troubled world. He lovingly and patiently describes his intimate relationship with the Father and makes plain the path for a powerful, faith filled life.
Bible Passage:
June 20, 2021

About My Father’s Business

Jesus, in his own words describes his primary purpose in life-to be about his Father’s business. What is the business of the Father? What is the nature of the Father? What makes his business so important?
Bible Passage:
April 25, 2021

The Root and Morning Star

Jesus, in his own words describes who He was, is, and forever will be.
Bible Passage:
November 29, 2020

The Community of God

Even in paradise, without sin in the world, it was decreed that it is not good for man to be alone. A brief examination of life lived as a vine fed by the branch.
Bible Passage:
October 4, 2020

Authority of God's Word

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable
Bible Passage:
August 30, 2020

The Attribute of God's Victory

The forging of character in the furnace of obedience.
Bible Passage:
May 17, 2020

The Most Important Word

In a chaotic world, Jesus clearly illustrates the most important foundational truth, God is Love, is made manifest.
Bible Passage:
February 9, 2020

The Rumor Mill

In a misunderstanding the early church mistakes works for faith as the key to salvation.
Bible Passage:
January 12, 2020

Pay Careful Attention

The product of faith is a thriving life filled with valuable fruit.
Bible Passage:
November 24, 2019

Knowing the Unknown God

A journey through three cities highlights three reactions to Truth.
Bible Passage:
October 29, 2019

O Foolish Galatians!

Salvation comes by grace through faith, but discipleship involves a journey through many tribulations.
Bible Passage:
April 28, 2019

Tale of Two Faiths

May you face the inevitable tests of your faith with God's purifying joy and amazement.
Bible Passage:
November 24, 2024

Christ Encounters: Seeking the Lost in the land of the Gadarenes

Generational sin and a normalization of deviance has had a predictable outcome in the land of the Gadarenes. A man is tormented, a people are compromised and the Lord is in pursuit of a one on one encounter with a demon possessed man. Sunday will explore the terrible wages of a life of sin and the transforming power of a life of faith.
Bible Passage:
October 27, 2024

The Letter to Laodicea

The Church of the Laodiceans is in big trouble from within. An overinflated view of themselves has disconnected them from the source of all that is good. The church of a lost letter finds itself lost from the sustaining word of God and in need of a heavenly wake up call. The final letter to the seven churches ends with a glorious promise worth hearing.
Bible Passage:
October 20, 2024

The Letter to Philadelphia

Jesus has words for the “city of brotherly love” that teach them the will of God, guide them through the trial of God, and promise the reward of God. Sunday will reveal an inspiring message about facing God’s challenges while knowing that God’s will is perfect, and His reward is worth the trial of a lifetime.
Bible Passage:
September 29, 2024

The Letter to Pergamum

Jesus has unflinching words for his enemies and empowers his followers to go on the offensive and conquer the enemies of the kingdom. Sunday’s teaching will reveal a hidden source of unfailing power and a new identity for all of God’s beloved children.
Bible Passage:
August 4, 2024

Three Prayers, One God

Mankind was born to walk his creator in the cool of the evening. We are born with an ache to communicate with the divine. This Sunday we will explore three prayers that model effective communication with our God.
Bible Passage:
No Series
June 30, 2024

Hearing the Lord's Voice

Saul is at a loss to make a decision and performs all the acts of Christian living with none of the true meaning of obedience. The prophet Samuel makes an otherworldly appearance and a witch is shocked to learn that her charade is over. Sunday will explore what it takes to hear the voice of the Lord in your life.
Bible Passage:
May 19, 2024

The Blessed Ones

Jesus once took his disciples up on a hillside to sit in the grass surrounded by oak trees in order to teach them the secret to unending happiness and fruitfulness in their lives. This Sunday we sit near a hillside, surrounded by oak trees to hear eight beatitudes that teach us how our attitude should be.
Bible Passage:
No Series
April 14, 2024

The Cave

In his moment of lowest grief David pens psalms of highest praise. Sunday will explore the grief of David, the rage of Saul, and the never failing goodness of a God who hears the cry of his beloved children. 
Bible Passage:
March 10, 2024

Five Smooth Stones

The timeless story of David, Goliath, and five smooth stones. An enduring story that has touched generations, a story of the patient purposeful refining power of a life of faith that equips the faithful to protect a flock, serve a nation, and slay a giant.
Bible Passage:
February 11, 2024

Foolish Pride

King Saul has swollen with a spirit of pride which causes him to make a disastrous decision. Pride filled decisions have and always will cause damage to those we love the most. This Sunday we learn some timeless lessons from Saul’s mistakes, Jonathan’s leadership, and the Israelites' grace.
Bible Passage:
January 7, 2024

Israel Renews the Kingdom

Israel faces an outside threat that causes them to unite behind Saul. God delivers a great victory, and Israel makes themselves a Kingdom. Sunday will explore a threat, a response, and a victory that is a model for Christian life today.
Bible Passage:
December 24, 2023

Jesus the Messiah

Sunday will focus on the well evidenced fact that Jesus Christ was who the old Testament said he would be, is who he said he was, and is everything you need him to be this Christmas. Let’s look at a sampling (there are hundreds) of the many prophecies about Jesus from the old testament, and get excited for the predictions made in the New Testament about who he can be in your life.
Bible Passage:
November 5, 2023

Thus Far the Lord Has Helped Us

The return of a symbol of God’s presence leads to a moment of clear choice, a thunderous victory, and a lifelong pattern of obedience. The choice is ours on Sunday to acknowledge that thus far God has helped us, and he is willing to help us forever.
Bible Passage:
October 15, 2023

An Empty Faith

A story of God’s divine patience highlights the need for a faith filled with meaning compared to a life of empty ritual.
Bible Passage:
August 6, 2023

The Love of God

Jesus displays his immense love for us in four distinct ways in the story of the resurrection of Lazarus. His affection for Mary, Martha, Lazarus, and his disciples are distinct and give compelling insight into the love of God.
Bible Passage:
May 21, 2023

Greetings and Benediction

Paul closes his opus by remembering many small acts of kindness from his friends. This focus on the actions of people serves as a fitting end to his book on theology. Hear the importance of people, unity, and the strength of Christ.
Bible Passage:
April 16, 2023

Owe Love, Walk Properly

Romans 13 began by giving us vertical advice and telling us how to live under the authority of God appointed leaders, and ends by giving us horizontal advice by telling us how to fulfill the law by loving one another, walking properly, and wearing the attributes of Jesus himself.
Bible Passage:
March 26, 2023

There is One Authority

A look at the authority of God reveals that God has, is, and always will be in perfect control of the affairs of his beloved children.Eric explores this idea throughout the old and new testaments, and conclude that God wants what is best for us after all.
Bible Passage:
February 26, 2023


Old branches find new roots as a remnant of the faithful are predetermined for salvation and sanctification. A throwback story of a hairy hero at his lowest moment, and the integration of the Gentile world into the faith of Christ.
Bible Passage:
January 15, 2023

Yesterday, Today & Forever

Perhaps the most hotly contested, apparently complicated topic in the Bible can actually be viewed as a simple choice. Romans 9 offers an earth shattering, simple question for Christians at any point in their faith. Come Sunday to hear that The Past is irrelevant, The present is important, and The future is determined.
Bible Passage:
November 20, 2022

The Creation Groans

Creation longs for what it once had, and will have in the future. A life in Christ is a life teeming with a realized hope. 
Bible Passage:
November 13, 2022

Sons and Heirs

A conditional offer exists for the sons of God to be adopted into a new life. We take a hero's journey through suffering into a life of inheritance. 
Bible Passage:
October 16, 2022

Who Will Deliver Me?

The law is explained as a tool to clarify right living, and a tool to define spiritual health. When the law exposes our sin Paul asks: Who can deliver me?, not What can deliver me.
Bible Passage:
September 25, 2022

In the Nick of Time

A beautiful argument unfolds that builds upon justification by grace through faith. The next level of growth goes through hardship into joy, from wrath into complete reconciliation.
Bible Passage:
August 7, 2022

Crafting A Future

A mountaintop experience for the ages. An aging father is tested with the ultimate show of faith. A loving God dreams of a future better than our best dreams.
Bible Passage:
July 10, 2022

Where Are Your Accusers?

A remarkable story that showcases the endless Grace of Christ, the foolishness of prideful religiosity, and the wisdom of a perfect Judge.
Bible Passage:
May 29, 2022

In Perfect Clarity

Paul walks the reader through the old testament, laying out a perfect case for the total depravity of man. Paul explains the power of the law to make clear the knowledge of sin.
Bible Passage:
May 22, 2022

May God Be True, and Every Person a Liar

Despite the complete unfaithfulness of mankind God’s faithfulness extends to all sinners.
Bible Passage:
April 3, 2022

The Invisible is Plainly Seen

A study on general and special revelation that leaves none with an excuse for ignoring the supremacy of their creator. The wrath of God is revealed. An exchange of glory for misery.
Bible Passage:
February 6, 2022

There is No Other Name

No other force in history can unify a disparate church like the supremely powerful Jesus Christ. Paul must lay a bedrock foundation In order for the rich theology to follow. He begins with the best point, the only point that truly matters, and opens his theological treatise with the idea that Jesus Christ is the only name, and that there is no other name under heaven by which mankind can be saved.
Bible Passage:
January 2, 2022

Where do we go from here?

The birth of Solomon was surrounded by a deep series of sins, but deeper repentance and forgiveness. God showcased his long-suffering and redeeming power in the story of David and Bathsheba. The death of a child and accompanying grief left the couple in a moment of crisis - where do they go from here? This message will highlight David’s complete repentance, God’s total forgiveness, and the roadmap to joyful living
Bible Passage:
No Series
December 19, 2021

Gifts fit for a Prophet, Priest and King

The birth of the Messiah triggered an international event. This message will dispel common myths about the “three” wise men and explain the purpose of the gifts given. Listeners will come away with an appreciation for the significance of the arrival of the messiah as a prophet, priest, and King.
Bible Passage:
October 3, 2021

Specks and Logs

Empty works, no matter how diligent, will not result in a thriving relationship with Jesus. A thriving relationship with Jesus is the result of the narrow way, and a focus on one’s own faults. The church is a collection of individual relationships with Jesus, joined together in unity.
Bible Passage:
July 11, 2021

Greater Things

Jesus, in his own words, provides the marching orders for the early church and equips them with the promise for the Holy Spirit to help them accomplish greater things.
Bible Passage:
July 4, 2021

I Am the Way

Jesus, in his own words lays out the way to have an untroubled heart in a troubled world. He lovingly and patiently describes his intimate relationship with the Father and makes plain the path for a powerful, faith filled life.
Bible Passage:
June 20, 2021

About My Father’s Business

Jesus, in his own words describes his primary purpose in life-to be about his Father’s business. What is the business of the Father? What is the nature of the Father? What makes his business so important?
Bible Passage:
April 25, 2021

The Root and Morning Star

Jesus, in his own words describes who He was, is, and forever will be.
Bible Passage:
November 29, 2020

The Community of God

Even in paradise, without sin in the world, it was decreed that it is not good for man to be alone. A brief examination of life lived as a vine fed by the branch.
Bible Passage:
October 4, 2020

Authority of God's Word

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable
Bible Passage:
August 30, 2020

The Attribute of God's Victory

The forging of character in the furnace of obedience.
Bible Passage:
May 17, 2020

The Most Important Word

In a chaotic world, Jesus clearly illustrates the most important foundational truth, God is Love, is made manifest.
Bible Passage:
February 9, 2020

The Rumor Mill

In a misunderstanding the early church mistakes works for faith as the key to salvation.
Bible Passage:
January 12, 2020

Pay Careful Attention

The product of faith is a thriving life filled with valuable fruit.
Bible Passage:
November 24, 2019

Knowing the Unknown God

A journey through three cities highlights three reactions to Truth.
Bible Passage:
October 29, 2019

O Foolish Galatians!

Salvation comes by grace through faith, but discipleship involves a journey through many tribulations.
Bible Passage:
April 28, 2019

Tale of Two Faiths

May you face the inevitable tests of your faith with God's purifying joy and amazement.
Bible Passage:
November 24, 2024

Christ Encounters: Seeking the Lost in the land of the Gadarenes

Generational sin and a normalization of deviance has had a predictable outcome in the land of the Gadarenes. A man is tormented, a people are compromised and the Lord is in pursuit of a one on one encounter with a demon possessed man. Sunday will explore the terrible wages of a life of sin and the transforming power of a life of faith.
Bible Passage:
October 27, 2024

The Letter to Laodicea

The Church of the Laodiceans is in big trouble from within. An overinflated view of themselves has disconnected them from the source of all that is good. The church of a lost letter finds itself lost from the sustaining word of God and in need of a heavenly wake up call. The final letter to the seven churches ends with a glorious promise worth hearing.
Bible Passage:
October 20, 2024

The Letter to Philadelphia

Jesus has words for the “city of brotherly love” that teach them the will of God, guide them through the trial of God, and promise the reward of God. Sunday will reveal an inspiring message about facing God’s challenges while knowing that God’s will is perfect, and His reward is worth the trial of a lifetime.
Bible Passage:
September 29, 2024

The Letter to Pergamum

Jesus has unflinching words for his enemies and empowers his followers to go on the offensive and conquer the enemies of the kingdom. Sunday’s teaching will reveal a hidden source of unfailing power and a new identity for all of God’s beloved children.
Bible Passage:
August 4, 2024

Three Prayers, One God

Mankind was born to walk his creator in the cool of the evening. We are born with an ache to communicate with the divine. This Sunday we will explore three prayers that model effective communication with our God.
Bible Passage:
No Series
June 30, 2024

Hearing the Lord's Voice

Saul is at a loss to make a decision and performs all the acts of Christian living with none of the true meaning of obedience. The prophet Samuel makes an otherworldly appearance and a witch is shocked to learn that her charade is over. Sunday will explore what it takes to hear the voice of the Lord in your life.
Bible Passage:
May 19, 2024

The Blessed Ones

Jesus once took his disciples up on a hillside to sit in the grass surrounded by oak trees in order to teach them the secret to unending happiness and fruitfulness in their lives. This Sunday we sit near a hillside, surrounded by oak trees to hear eight beatitudes that teach us how our attitude should be.
Bible Passage:
No Series
April 14, 2024

The Cave

In his moment of lowest grief David pens psalms of highest praise. Sunday will explore the grief of David, the rage of Saul, and the never failing goodness of a God who hears the cry of his beloved children. 
Bible Passage:
March 10, 2024

Five Smooth Stones

The timeless story of David, Goliath, and five smooth stones. An enduring story that has touched generations, a story of the patient purposeful refining power of a life of faith that equips the faithful to protect a flock, serve a nation, and slay a giant.
Bible Passage:
February 11, 2024

Foolish Pride

King Saul has swollen with a spirit of pride which causes him to make a disastrous decision. Pride filled decisions have and always will cause damage to those we love the most. This Sunday we learn some timeless lessons from Saul’s mistakes, Jonathan’s leadership, and the Israelites' grace.
Bible Passage:
January 7, 2024

Israel Renews the Kingdom

Israel faces an outside threat that causes them to unite behind Saul. God delivers a great victory, and Israel makes themselves a Kingdom. Sunday will explore a threat, a response, and a victory that is a model for Christian life today.
Bible Passage:
December 24, 2023

Jesus the Messiah

Sunday will focus on the well evidenced fact that Jesus Christ was who the old Testament said he would be, is who he said he was, and is everything you need him to be this Christmas. Let’s look at a sampling (there are hundreds) of the many prophecies about Jesus from the old testament, and get excited for the predictions made in the New Testament about who he can be in your life.
Bible Passage:
November 5, 2023

Thus Far the Lord Has Helped Us

The return of a symbol of God’s presence leads to a moment of clear choice, a thunderous victory, and a lifelong pattern of obedience. The choice is ours on Sunday to acknowledge that thus far God has helped us, and he is willing to help us forever.
Bible Passage:
October 15, 2023

An Empty Faith

A story of God’s divine patience highlights the need for a faith filled with meaning compared to a life of empty ritual.
Bible Passage:
August 6, 2023

The Love of God

Jesus displays his immense love for us in four distinct ways in the story of the resurrection of Lazarus. His affection for Mary, Martha, Lazarus, and his disciples are distinct and give compelling insight into the love of God.
Bible Passage:
May 21, 2023

Greetings and Benediction

Paul closes his opus by remembering many small acts of kindness from his friends. This focus on the actions of people serves as a fitting end to his book on theology. Hear the importance of people, unity, and the strength of Christ.
Bible Passage:
April 16, 2023

Owe Love, Walk Properly

Romans 13 began by giving us vertical advice and telling us how to live under the authority of God appointed leaders, and ends by giving us horizontal advice by telling us how to fulfill the law by loving one another, walking properly, and wearing the attributes of Jesus himself.
Bible Passage:
March 26, 2023

There is One Authority

A look at the authority of God reveals that God has, is, and always will be in perfect control of the affairs of his beloved children.Eric explores this idea throughout the old and new testaments, and conclude that God wants what is best for us after all.
Bible Passage:
February 26, 2023


Old branches find new roots as a remnant of the faithful are predetermined for salvation and sanctification. A throwback story of a hairy hero at his lowest moment, and the integration of the Gentile world into the faith of Christ.
Bible Passage:
January 15, 2023

Yesterday, Today & Forever

Perhaps the most hotly contested, apparently complicated topic in the Bible can actually be viewed as a simple choice. Romans 9 offers an earth shattering, simple question for Christians at any point in their faith. Come Sunday to hear that The Past is irrelevant, The present is important, and The future is determined.
Bible Passage:
November 20, 2022

The Creation Groans

Creation longs for what it once had, and will have in the future. A life in Christ is a life teeming with a realized hope. 
Bible Passage:
November 13, 2022

Sons and Heirs

A conditional offer exists for the sons of God to be adopted into a new life. We take a hero's journey through suffering into a life of inheritance. 
Bible Passage:
October 16, 2022

Who Will Deliver Me?

The law is explained as a tool to clarify right living, and a tool to define spiritual health. When the law exposes our sin Paul asks: Who can deliver me?, not What can deliver me.
Bible Passage:
September 25, 2022

In the Nick of Time

A beautiful argument unfolds that builds upon justification by grace through faith. The next level of growth goes through hardship into joy, from wrath into complete reconciliation.
Bible Passage:
August 7, 2022

Crafting A Future

A mountaintop experience for the ages. An aging father is tested with the ultimate show of faith. A loving God dreams of a future better than our best dreams.
Bible Passage:
July 10, 2022

Where Are Your Accusers?

A remarkable story that showcases the endless Grace of Christ, the foolishness of prideful religiosity, and the wisdom of a perfect Judge.
Bible Passage:
May 29, 2022

In Perfect Clarity

Paul walks the reader through the old testament, laying out a perfect case for the total depravity of man. Paul explains the power of the law to make clear the knowledge of sin.
Bible Passage:
May 22, 2022

May God Be True, and Every Person a Liar

Despite the complete unfaithfulness of mankind God’s faithfulness extends to all sinners.
Bible Passage:
April 3, 2022

The Invisible is Plainly Seen

A study on general and special revelation that leaves none with an excuse for ignoring the supremacy of their creator. The wrath of God is revealed. An exchange of glory for misery.
Bible Passage:
February 6, 2022

There is No Other Name

No other force in history can unify a disparate church like the supremely powerful Jesus Christ. Paul must lay a bedrock foundation In order for the rich theology to follow. He begins with the best point, the only point that truly matters, and opens his theological treatise with the idea that Jesus Christ is the only name, and that there is no other name under heaven by which mankind can be saved.
Bible Passage:
January 2, 2022

Where do we go from here?

The birth of Solomon was surrounded by a deep series of sins, but deeper repentance and forgiveness. God showcased his long-suffering and redeeming power in the story of David and Bathsheba. The death of a child and accompanying grief left the couple in a moment of crisis - where do they go from here? This message will highlight David’s complete repentance, God’s total forgiveness, and the roadmap to joyful living
Bible Passage:
No Series
December 19, 2021

Gifts fit for a Prophet, Priest and King

The birth of the Messiah triggered an international event. This message will dispel common myths about the “three” wise men and explain the purpose of the gifts given. Listeners will come away with an appreciation for the significance of the arrival of the messiah as a prophet, priest, and King.
Bible Passage:
October 3, 2021

Specks and Logs

Empty works, no matter how diligent, will not result in a thriving relationship with Jesus. A thriving relationship with Jesus is the result of the narrow way, and a focus on one’s own faults. The church is a collection of individual relationships with Jesus, joined together in unity.
Bible Passage:
July 11, 2021

Greater Things

Jesus, in his own words, provides the marching orders for the early church and equips them with the promise for the Holy Spirit to help them accomplish greater things.
Bible Passage:
July 4, 2021

I Am the Way

Jesus, in his own words lays out the way to have an untroubled heart in a troubled world. He lovingly and patiently describes his intimate relationship with the Father and makes plain the path for a powerful, faith filled life.
Bible Passage:
June 20, 2021

About My Father’s Business

Jesus, in his own words describes his primary purpose in life-to be about his Father’s business. What is the business of the Father? What is the nature of the Father? What makes his business so important?
Bible Passage:
April 25, 2021

The Root and Morning Star

Jesus, in his own words describes who He was, is, and forever will be.
Bible Passage:
November 29, 2020

The Community of God

Even in paradise, without sin in the world, it was decreed that it is not good for man to be alone. A brief examination of life lived as a vine fed by the branch.
Bible Passage:
October 4, 2020

Authority of God's Word

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable
Bible Passage:
August 30, 2020

The Attribute of God's Victory

The forging of character in the furnace of obedience.
Bible Passage:
May 17, 2020

The Most Important Word

In a chaotic world, Jesus clearly illustrates the most important foundational truth, God is Love, is made manifest.
Bible Passage:
February 9, 2020

The Rumor Mill

In a misunderstanding the early church mistakes works for faith as the key to salvation.
Bible Passage:
January 12, 2020

Pay Careful Attention

The product of faith is a thriving life filled with valuable fruit.
Bible Passage:
November 24, 2019

Knowing the Unknown God

A journey through three cities highlights three reactions to Truth.
Bible Passage:
October 29, 2019

O Foolish Galatians!

Salvation comes by grace through faith, but discipleship involves a journey through many tribulations.
Bible Passage:
April 28, 2019

Tale of Two Faiths

May you face the inevitable tests of your faith with God's purifying joy and amazement.
Bible Passage: