Ordination Sunday

Jesus said, “You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ‘ordained’ or appointed you to go and bear much fruit…” John 15:16

Jesus said, “You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ‘ordained’ or appointed you to go and bear much fruit…” John 15:16

Sunday was a significant day in our 25-year existence as a church.  We recognized who God has chosen to help Shepherd our church body. We ordained Gino Natividad as our Care and Compassion Pastor, Tyson Vincent as our Youth Pastor and Eric Robert as our Teaching Pastor.  We are so thankful for these men and their families and how they have impacted the Kingdom of God.  We are blessed to have them as our new pastors, who will now help Pastor Tom lead the ministry at Heritage.  We look forward to God’s continued guidance on our church.

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